Paris-Saclay University
Research interests
My research centers on the field of experimental solid-state physics, with a specific emphasis on quantum materials exhibiting remarkable properties due to the presence of strongly correlated electrons. I am intrigued by the simultaneous existence or competition of various orders within these systems, encompassing phenomena such as metal-insulator transitions (Mott physics), unconventional superconductivity, frustrated magnetism, and multiferroics.
I am based at the Solid State Physics Laboratory, where I have developed an X-ray diffraction setup under high pressure and low temperature conditions. This setup allows for the measurement of both powders or single crystals. Concurrently, I am an affiliated scientist at the SOLEIL synchrotron, working on the GALAXIES beamline dedicated to X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy (XAS, XES, and RIXS). I am also affiliated with the Léon Brillouin Laboratory at CEA Saclay, focusing on themes related to neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering.
Experimental techniques
- X-ray Scattering (XRD, XAS, XES and RIXS)
- Neutron Scattering (Diffraction, INS)
- Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy
Sample Environment
- Low Temperature
- High Pressure
- High Magnetic Field (static and pulsed)
- Electric Field
Former and current PhDs
- 2023–2026 Yassine Oubaid Study of the spin ladder superconductor BaFe2S3
- 2021–2024 Antoine Roll Frustrated magnetism BaFe2Se3 and Tb2Ti2O7
- 2018–2022 Antoine Vaunat Nouvelle excitation hybride dans les matériaux fortement corrélés : l’électromagnon
- 2018–2022 Wengen Zheng Study of the crystal and magnetic structures of the quasi-one-dimensional iron-based superconductor BaFe2Se3
- 2015–2018 Wei Peng Influence of the Pressure on the Multiferroicity of RMn2O5
- 2014–2017 Ghassen Yahia Étude des interactions d’échanges dans les oxydes multiferroïques RMn2O5
Former and current Post-docs
- Sumanta Chattopadhyay
Former and current BS and Msc students
- 2024 Anass Chaabi
- 2024 Roméo Morlevat-Grivot
- 2022 Timothée Vasina
- 2022 Laure Thomarat
- 2021 Khiem Tu Khiem
- 2021 Moses Alhassan
- 2021 Paul Pineau
- 2019 Pierre Vallet
- 2018 Antoine Vaunat
- [58] Spin state stability in Mn2O3 across the volume collapse phase transition under pressure to 41 GPa
V. Balédent, S.R. Shieh and J.-P. Rueff
Physical Review B 111, 035122 (2025)
- [57] Magnetic interactions in the cooperative paramagnet Tb2Ti2O5
A. Roll, V. Balédent, J. Robert, J. Ollivier, C. Decorse, S. Guitteny, I. Mirebeau, and S. Petit
Physical Review Research 6, 043011 (2024) - [56] Elucidating Supercrystal Mechanics and Nanoparticle Size and Shape Effects Under High Pressure
C. Hotton, D. García-Lojo, E. Modin, R.Nag, S. Gómez-Graña, J. Marcone, J. Gabriel Trazo, J. Bodin, C. Goldmann, T. Bizien, I. Pastoriza-Santos, B. Pansu, J. Pérez-Juste, V. Balédent, C. Hamon
Small Structure 2400303 (2024) - [55] Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and DFT study of non-centrosymmetric EuRhGe3 under high pressure
N. S. Dhami, V. Balédent, I. Batistic, O. Bednarchuk, D. Kaczorowski, J. P. Itiée, S. R. Shieh, C. M. N. Kumar, and Y. Utsumi
High Pressure Research 44, 248 (2024) - [54] Study of the transport and magnetic properties of substituted Ba(Fe1-xNix)2(Se1-yTeY)3}
W.G. Zheng, V. Balédent, Y. Oubaid, P. Senzier, C. Colin, F. Damay, C. Pasquier, A. Forget, D. Colson, W. Xie, J.P. Xu, W. Yin, P. Miao, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 109, 184428 (2024) -
[53] Pressure-induced structural modifications of imogolite nanotubes and of their methylated analogues
S. Rouzière, V. Balédent, J. Bodin, E. Elkaim, Y. Pan, E. Paineau, and P. Launois
Applied Clay Science, 107372 (2024)
- [52] Electronic ground-state hysteresis under magnetic field in GdMn2O5
V. Balédent, A. Vaunat, S. Petit, L. Nataf, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Raymond, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 108, 104419 (2023) - [51] Purely antiferromagnetic frustrated Heisenberg model in spin ladder compound BaFe2Se3
A. Roll, S. Petit, A. Forget, D. Colson, A. Banerjee, P. Foury-Leylekian, V. Balédent
Physical Review B 108, 014416 (2023) - [50] High-pressure behavior of hydrophobically coated gold nanoparticle supercrystals : role of the structure
Victor Balédent, Claire Goldmann, Helen Ibrahim and Brigitte Pansu
Soft Matter 19, 3113 (2023) - [49] Pressure evolution of electronic and crystal structure of non-centrosymmetric EuCoGe3
N. S. Dhami, V. Balédent, O. Bednarchuk, D. Kaczorowski, S. R. Shieh, J. M. Ablett, J.-P. Rueff, J. P. Itié, C. M. N. Kumar, and Y. Utsumi
Physical Review B 107, 155119 (2023) - [48] Heat conduction in herbertsmithite: Field dependence at the onset of the quantum spin liquid regime
Q. Barthélemy, É. Lefrançois, J. Baglo, P. Bourgeois-Hope, D. Chatterjee, P. Lefloïc, M. Velázquez, V. Balédent, B. Bernu, N. Doiron-Leyraud, F. Bert, P. Mendels, and L. Taillefer
Physical Review B 107, 054434 (2023) (Editor’s suggestion) - [47] Origin of the Spin-glass-like Magnetic Anomaly in the Superconducting and Multiferroic Spin-ladder BaFe2Se3
W. G. Zheng, V. Balédent, L. Bocher, A. Forget, D. Colson, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 107, 024423 (2023) - [46] Compressibility and Structural Transformations of Aluminogermanate Imogolite Nanotubes under Hydrostatic Pressure
S. Rouzière, V. Balédent, E. Paineau, E. Elkaim, T. Bizien, L. Nataf, Y. Pan, and P. Launois
Inorganic Chemistry 62, 957 (2023)
- [45] Hidden Magnetic Texture in the Pseudogap Phase of High-Tc YBa2Cu3O6.6
D. Bounoua, Y. Sidis, T. Loew, F. Bourdarot, M. Boehm, P. Steffens, L. Mangin-Thro, V. Balédent, P. Bourges
Nature Communication Physics 5, 268 (2022)
- [44] Chiral magnetic structure of spin-ladder multiferroic BaFe2Se3
W. G. Zheng, V. Balédent, E. Ressouche, V. Petricek, A. Forget, D. Colson, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 106, 134429 (2022) (Editor’s suggestion) - [43] Exceptionally robust magnetism and structure of SrFeO2 above 100 GPa
V. Balédent, L. Nataf and J.‑P. Rueff
Nature Scientific Report 12, 16018 (2022) - [42] Mechanics under pressure of gold nanoparticle supracrystals: the role of the soft matrix
H. Ibrahim, V. Balédent, M. Impéror-Clerc and B. Pansu
RSC Advances 12, 23675 (2022) - [41] Universal stripe order as a precursor of the superconducting phase in pressurized BaFe2Se3 Spin Ladder
W. G. Zheng, V. Balédent, C. Colin, F. Damay, J.-P. Rueff, A. Forget, D. Colson, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Nature Communication Physics 5, 183 (2022) - [40] Space Group Symmetry of BaFe2Se3: ab initio-Experiment Phonon Study
M. J. Weseloh, V. Balédent, W. Zheng, M. Verseils, P. Roy, J. B. Brubach, P. Foury-Leylekian, and M.-B. Lepetit
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 34, 255402 (2022)
- [39] X-ray spectroscopic and first-principles investigation of lead tungstate under pressure
J. M. Ablett, S. Shieh, V. Balédent, J.C. Woicik, E. Cockayne, and E.L. Shirley
Physical Review B 104, 054119 (2021) - [38] Pressure evolution of the electronic structure of non-centrosymmetric EuRhGe3
Y. Utsumi, I. Batistic, V. Balédent, S. R. Shieh, N. S. Dhami, O. Bednarchuk, D. Kaczorowski, J. M. Ablett, and J.-P. Rueff
Electronic Structure 3, 034002 (2021) - [37] Evidence for an electromagnon in GdMn2O5 : a multiferroic with a huge electric polarization
A. Vaunat, V. Balédent, S. Petit, P. Roy, J.B. Brubach, G. Giri, E. Rebolini, P. Steffens, S. Raymond, Q. Berrod, M.B. Lepetit, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review 103, 174434 (2021) - [36] Order-disorder type of Peierls instability in BaVS3
V. Ilakovac, A. Girard, V. Balédent, P. Foury-Leylekian, B. Winkler, I. Kupčíc H. Berger, A. Bosak, and J.-P. Pouget
Physical Review B 103, 014306 (2021)
- [35] Kitaev interactions in Co honeycomb antiferromagnets Na3Co2SbO6 and Na2Co2TeO6
M. Songvilay, J. Robert, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. D. Ratcliff, F. Damay, V. Balédent, M. Jiménez-Ruiz, P. Lejay, E. Pachoud, A. Hadj-Azzem, V. Simonet, and C. Stock
Physical Review B 102, 224429(2020) - [34] Spin transition in SrFeO2 under Pressure by X-ray spectroscopy
J.-P. Rueff, V. Balédent, K. Higashi, and H. Kageyama
Physical Review B 102, 235138 (2020) - [33] 4f spin driven ferroelectric-ferromagnetic multiferroicity in PrMn2O5 under magnetic field
S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, S. K. Panda, Sh. Yamamoto, F. Duc, T. Herrmannsdörfer, M. Uhlarz, T. Gottschall, O. Mathon, Z. Wang, C. Strohm, M. Greenblatt, P. Foury-Leylekian, and J. Wosnitza
Physical Review B 102, 094408 (2020) - [32] New insights about the structural properties of kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2X2(CN)3 (X=Cu and Ag) Spin Liquids
P. Foury-Leylekian, V. Ilakovac, P. Fertey, V. Balédent, O. Milat, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda, T. Hiramatsu, Y. Yoshida, G. Saito, P. Alemany, E. Canadell, S. Tomic and Jean-Paul Pouget
Acta Crystallographica B 76, (2020) - [31] Room temperature polar structure and multiferroicity in BaFe2Se3
W. Zheng, V. Balédent, M.B. Lepetit, P. Retailleau, E. V. Elslande, C. Pasquier, P. Senzier, A. Forget, D. Colson, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Rapid Communication Physical Review B 101, 020101(R) (2020)
- [30] Pressure Dependent X-ray diffraction of Multiferroic RMn2O5
W. Peng, V. Balédent, M.-B. Lepetit, A. Vaunat, E. Rebolini, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Acta Crystallographica B 75, 687-696 (2019) - [29] Tuning competing magnetic interactions with pressure in RMn2O5 multiferroics
W. Peng, V. Balédent, C. V. Colin, T. C. Hansen, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 99, 245109 (2019) - [28] The GALAXIES Inelastic Hard X-ray Scattering End-Station at the SOLEIL Synchrotron
J.M. Ablett, D. Céolin, B. Lassalle, B. Lebert, D.Prieur, M. Sauvage, Th. Moreno, S. Bac, V. Balédent, A. Ovono, M. Morand, F. Gélebart, A. Shukla and J.-P. Rueff
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 263-271 (2019)
- [27] Pressure-Induced Commensurate order in TbMn2O5 and DyMn2O5 : Influence of rare earth anisotropy and 3d-4f exchange
M. Deutsch, W. Peng, P. Foury-Leylekian, V. Balédent, S. Chattopadhyay, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, T. C. Hansen, A. Forget, D. Colson, M. Greenblatt, M.-B. Lepetit, S. Petit, and I. Mirebeau
Physical Review B 98, 024408 (2018) - [26] Emergent high-spin state above 7 GPa in superconducting FeSe
B. W. Lebert, V. Balédent, P. Toulemonde, J. M. Ablett, S. Klotz, T. Hansen, P. Rodière, M. Raba, and J.-P. Rueff
Rapid Communication Physical Review B 97, 180503(R) (2018) - [25] (BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 Spin Liquid: Beyond the Average Structure
P. Foury-Leylekian, V. Ilakovac-Casses, V. Balédent, P. Fertey, A. Arakcheeva, O. Milat, D. Petermann, G. Guillier, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda, P. Alemany, E. Canadell, S. Tomic and J.-P. Pouget
Crystals 8, 158 (2018) - [24] Experimental evidences of the microscopic mechanism for the unusual spin-induced electric polarization in GdMn2O5
G. Yahia, F. Damay, S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, W. Peng, M. Whitaker, M. Greenblatt, M.-B. Lepetit, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 97, 085128 (2018) (Editor’s suggestion) - [23] High Pressures phases of VO2 from the combination of high-pressure Raman scattering and ab initio structural search
V. Balédent, T. T. F. Cerqueira, R. Sarmiento-Pérez, A. Shukla, Ch. Bellin, M. Marsi, J-P. Itié, M. Gatti, M. A. L. Marques, S. Botti and J.-P. Rueff
Physical Review B 97, 024107 (2018) - [22] Investigation of ion aggregation in ionic liquids and their solutions with lithium salt under high pressure
K. Pilar, V. Balédent, M. Zeghal, P. Judeinstein, S. Jeong, S. Passerini, and S. Greenbaum
Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 031102 (2018)
- [21] 3d-4 f coupling and multiferroicity in frustrated Cairo Pentagonal oxide DyMn2O5
S. Chattopadhyay, S. Petit, E. Ressouche, S. Raymond, V. Balédent, G. Yahia, W. Peng, J. Robert, M-B. Lepetit, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Nature Scientific Report 7, 14506 (2017) - [20] Toward pressure-induced multiferroicity in PrMn2O5
W. Peng, V. Balédent, S. Chattopadhyay, M.-B. Lepetit, G. Yahia, C. V. Colin, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 96, 054418 (2017) - [19] Recognition of exchange striction as the origin of magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics
G. Yahia, F. Damay, S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, W. Peng, E. Elkaim, M. Whitaker, M. Greenblatt, M.-B. Lepetit, and P. Foury-leylekian
Physical Review B 95, 184112 (2017)
- [18] RIXS in correlated materials under extreme conditions
V. Balédent and J.-P. Rueff
High Pressure Research 36, 371 (2016) - [17] Evidence of multiferroicity in NdMn2O5
S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, F. Damay, A. Gukasov, E. Moshopoulou, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, G. André, F. Porcher, E. Elkaim, C. Doubrovsky, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review B 93, 104406 (2016)
- [16] Electronic properties of BaFe2As2 upon doping and pressure : The prominent role of the As p orbitals
V. Balédent, F. Rullier-Albenque, D. Colson, J. Ablett, and J.-P. Rueff
Physical Review Letters 114, 177001 (2015) - [15] Evidence for room temperature electric polarization in RMn2O5 multiferroics
V. Balédent, S. Chattopadhyay, P. Fertey, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physical Review Letters 114, 117601 (2015) - [14] Thermodynamic and neutron diffraction studies on multiferroic NdMn2O5
S. Chattopadhyay, V. Balédent, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, C. Doubroysky, M. Greenblatt, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Physica B 460, 214 (2015) - [13] The GALAXIES beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron: inelastic X-ray scattering and photoelectron spectroscopy in the hard X-ray range
J.-P. Rueff, J. M. Ablett, D. Céolin, D. Prieur, T. Moreno, V. Balédent, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, J. E. Rault, M. Simon and A. Shukla
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22 (2015)
- [12] (p,T,H) phase diagram of heavy fermion systems: some systematics and some surprises from Ytterbium
D. Braithwaite, A. Fernadez-Panella, E. Colombier, B. Salce, G. Knebel, G. Lapertot, V. Balédent, J.P. Rueff, L. Paolasini, R. Verbeni, J. Flouquet
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 26, 1775 (2013) - [11] Investigation of the electromagnons in multiferroic TbMn2O5
S. Petit, V. Balédent, C. Doubrovsky, M.B. Lepetit, M. Greenblatt, B. Wanklyn, and P. Foury-Leylekian
Rapid Communication Physical Review B 87, 140301 (2013)
- [10] Stability of the Fe electronic structure through temperature-,doping-, and pressure-induced transitions in the BaFe2As2 superconductors
V. Balédent, F. Rullier-Albenque, D. Colson, G. Monaco, and J.-P. Rueff
Physical Review B 86, 235123 (2012) - [9] Valence instability of YbCu_2Si_2 through its magnetic quantum critical point
A. Fernandez-Panella, V. Balédent, D. Braithwaite, L. Paolasini, R. Verbeni, G. Lapertot, and J.-P. Rueff
Physical Review B 86, 125104 (2012) - [8] Evidence for intra-unit-cell magnetic order in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta
S. De Almeida-Didry, Y. Sidis, V. Balédent, F. Giovannelli, I. Monot-Laffez, and P. Bourges
Physical Review B 86, 020504 (2012) - [7] Two Ising-like collective magnetic excitations in a single-layer cuprate superconductor
Yuan Li, G. Yu, M.K. Chan, V. Balédent, Yangmu Li, N. Barisic, X. Zhao, K. Hradil, R.A. Mole, Y. Sidis, P. Steffens, P. Bourges, M. Greven
Nature Physics 8, 404 (2012)
- [6] Magnetic order in the pseudogap phase of HgBa2CuO4+x studied by spin-polarized neutron diffraction
Yuan Li, V. Balédent, N. Barisic, Y.C. Cho, Y. Sidis, G. Yu, X. Zhao, P. Bourges, and M. Greven
Physical Review B 84, 224508 (2011) - [5] Evidence for competing magnetic instabilities in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x
V. Balédent, D. Haug, Y. Sidis, V. Hinkov, C. T. Lin, and P. Bourges
Physical Review B 83, 104504 (2011)
- [4] Hidden magnetic excitation in the pseudogap phase of a model cuprate superconductor
Y. Li, V. Balédent, G. Yu, N. Barisic, K. Hradil, R. A. Mole, Y. Sidis, P. Steffens, X. Zhao, P. Bourges, M. Greven
Nature 468, 283 (2010) - [3] 2D orbital-like magnetic order in La2-xSrxCuO4
V. Balédent, B. Fauqué, Y. Sidis, N.B. Christensen, S. Pailh\`es, K. Conder, E. Pomjakushina, J. Mesot, P. Bourges
Physical Review Letters 105, 027004 (2010)
- [2] Nature of the enigmatic pseudogap state: novel magnetic order in superconducting HgBa_2CuO_{4+x}
Y. Li, V. Balédent, N. Barisic, Y. Cho, B. Fauqué, Y. Sidis, G. Yu, X. Zhao, P. Bourges, M. Greven
Nature 455, 372 (2008) - [1] Observation of Magnetic Order in a superconducting YBa2Cu3O6.6 single crystal using polarized nuetron scattering
H.A. Mook, Y. Sidis, B. Fauqué, V. Balédent, P. Bourges
Rapid Communication Physical Review B 78, 020506(R) (2008)

BaM2X3 : quasi 1d strongly correlated materials
BaM2X3 (M : Fe, Co, Ni, X : S, Se or Te) family, exemplified by BaFe2Se3, are 1d systems presenting mutliple coexisting and competing phases : ferroelectricity, block magnetism, metal-insulator transition, superconductivity and multiferroicity. I am focused on the multi-dimensional phase diagram : doping, substitution, pressure, temperature, magnetic and electric field.
References : [31,40,41,44,47,51,54]
Figure : Atomic and magnetic structure of BaFe2Se3, in the low temprature-ambiant pressure mutliferroic phase.

RMn2O5 multiferroics
RMn2O5 (R=Rare Earth) are multiferroic materials presenting a strong magneto-electric coupling. The multiple exchange interactions between Mn-Mn and Mn-R spins generate a large range of instabilities, with commensurate and incommensurate propagation vectors evolving as function of temperature, magnetic field, pressure and composition (R).
References : [11,14,15,17,19,20,21,24,27,29,30,33,37,52]
Figure : Temperature-Rare earth magnetic phase diagram of RMn2O5. Black bars represent the coexistence with electric polarization.

Gold Nanoparticules under High Pressure
Investigation of gold nanoparticules (NP) under pressure. I’m interested in the role of size in compressibility of gold core, and the role of ligand, structure and core diameter in the evolution of supracristals under high pressure.
References : [42,50,56]
Figure : Evolution of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) of Gold NP supracrystal under pressure.

Evolution of the Structure of Various Clays Under Pressure
Investigation of the evolution of nanotubes structure such as imogolites or halloysite under pressure as function of their composition and or shape, using a combination of X-ray diffraction, Spectroscopy and simulations.
References : [46, 53]
Figure : Evolution of X-ray Scattering (SAXS) of double wall aluminogermanate Imogolite Nanotubes under pressure.
Current Teaching at University Paris-Saclay
Master 2 ICFP (International Center of Fundamental Physics Concept) : Condensed Matter Physics
Lectures on Structural and Electronic properties of Solids (STM, Quantum oscillations, Cristalography, Tight bindind model…)
Practicals : RIXS, ARPES, THz spectroscopy at Synchrotron SOLEIL and STM, Quantum oscillations, diffraction, Raman and IR spectroscopy in laboratory
Master 1 Fundamental Physics and General Physics
Quantum Solid State Physics Tutorials : from free electrons model to electrons in a periodic potential
Bachelor in Fundamental Physics
Practicals for quantum mechanics : Light-Matter Interaction (X-ray generation, X-Ray absorption and emission, Thomson and Compton scattering).
Ingeneer School cursus Materials (Polytech Paris-Saclay)
Lectures and tutorials on symetries, cristalography and diffraction of solids.
Download lecture (french)
TD Symétries d’orientation + Correction
TD Symétries d’orientation (supplement)
TD Réseau et Motifs + Correction
TD Réseau Direct et Réciproque + Correction
TD Facteur de structure + Correction
TD Diffraction + Correction
Partiel_2025 Partiel_2025_corrige
Partiel_2023 Partiel_2023_corrige Partiel_2022 Partiel_2022_corrige
Examen_2022 Examen_2022_corrige Examen_2023 Examen_2023_corrige
Bachelor Maths-Physics and Physics-Chemistry
Group project (4-6 students) on a physics/chemistry/maths notion or question. The objective is to present in a pedagogical manner a problematic on a given thematic, and tutored by researchers. The result is rendered in a short video of 4 minutes. Here are examples on the thematic ‘Physics of the 19th century’ :
Other teaching
Neutron and Photon Spectroscopy (English)
Lecture given at GDR Meeticc school in february 2018, divided in two parts. The first part deals with generalities about inelastic physics and gives an introduction to several inelastic techniques (Raman, Infrared, Neutron and X-Ray scattering) with an overview of the physical processes involved. The second part is dedicated to magnetism, with a presentation of different kind of magnetic excitations and how to measure them with the different techniques described in the first part.
Résumé / Guide de Lecture
Part I : Introduction to Inelastic Techniques
Part II : Application to Magnetism
Introduction to Inelastic Scattering (English)
Lecture given to Hercules European School in 2019 on basic concepts of inelastic scattering and application to X-rays and Neutrons.
2024 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Paris-Saclay University
2021 – today : Associate scientist, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA-Saclay
2017 – today : Beamline associate (GALAXIES), Synchrotron SOLEIL
2013 – today : Assistant Professor, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Paris-Saclay University
I joined the MATRIX group at Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay. At this occasion, I launched new activities related to the multiferroics materials on RMn2O5, starting to investigate the interplay between order parameters under different conditions. I developped High Pressure X-Ray diffraction setup at the lab, for both powder and single cristal diffraction at high pressure and low temperature. This includes new Diamond Anvil Cell development together with cryostat specifically designed for such cells.
2010 – 2012 : Post-doc, Synchrotron SOLEIL
Absorption and emission spectroscopy (XAS, XES and RIXS) on materials with strong electronic correlations under extreme conditions (low temperature, intense magnetic field and high pressure)
2007 – 2010 : PhD, Paris-Sud University
Magnetic order parameter in the pseudogap phase of high temperature cuprate superconductors.
- victor.baledent@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- +33 (0) 1 69 15 60 46
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
Bat 510, Université Paris-Saclay
91405, Orsay, FRANCE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Current Teaching
Master 2 Condensed Matter Physics – International Center of Fundamental Physics Concept (ICFP)
Lectures and practicals : Structural and Electronic properties of Solids (Symmetry, Cristallography, X-ray and Neutron Diffraction…).
Tutorial 1 + Solution
Tutorial 2 + Solution
Tutorial 3 + Solution
Tutorial 4 + Solution
Master 1 Fundamental Physics
Tutorials on Basic Condensed Matter Physics
Tutorials Part 1 (french) and
Part 2 (french)
Practicals on Light Polarization and Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Licence 3 Fundamental Physics
Practicals for quantum mechanics : Light-Matter Interaction (X-ray generation, X-Ray absorption and emission, Thomson and Compton scattering).
Licence 3 Ingeneer School cursus Materials (Polytech Paris-Sud)
Lectures on structure of matter.
Licence 1 Maths-Physics and Physics-Chemistry
Group project (4-6 students) on a physics/chemistry/maths notion or question. The objective is to present in a pedagogical manner a problematic on a given thematic, and tutored by researchers. The result is rendered in a short video of 3/4 minutes. Here is an example on the thematic ‘physics of the 19th century’ :
Lecture Notes
Neutron and Photon Spectroscopy (English)
Lecture given at GDR Meeticc school in february 2018, divided in two parts. The first part deals with generalities about inelastic physics and gives an introduction to several inelastic techniques (Raman, Infrared, Neutron and X-Ray scattering) with an overview of the physical processes involved. The second part is dedicated to magnetism, with a presentation of different kind of magnetic excitations and how to measure them with the different techniques described in the first part.
Résumé / Guide de Lecture
Part I : Introduction to Inelastic Techniques
Part II : Application to Magnetism
Introduction to Inelastic Scattering (English)
Lecture given to Hercules European School in 2019 on basic concepts of inelastic scattering and application to X-rays and Neutrons.
Current Teaching
Master 2 Condensed Matter Physics – International Center of Fundamental Physics Concept (ICFP)
Lectures and practicals : Structural and Electronic properties of Solids (Symmetry, Cristallography, X-ray and Neutron Diffraction…).
Tutorial 1 + Solution
Tutorial 2 + Solution
Tutorial 3 + Solution
Tutorial 4 + Solution
Master 1 Fundamental Physics
Tutorials on Basic Condensed Matter Physics
Tutorials Part 1 (french) and
Part 2 (french)
Practicals on Light Polarization and Fabry-Perot interferometer.
Licence 3 Fundamental Physics
Practicals for quantum mechanics : Light-Matter Interaction (X-ray generation, X-Ray absorption and emission, Thomson and Compton scattering).
Licence 3 Ingeneer School cursus Materials (Polytech Paris-Sud)
Lectures on structure of matter.
Licence 1 Maths-Physics and Physics-Chemistry
Group project (4-6 students) on a physics/chemistry/maths notion or question. The objective is to present in a pedagogical manner a problematic on a given thematic, and tutored by researchers. The result is rendered in a short video of 3/4 minutes. Here is an example on the thematic ‘physics of the 19th century’ :
Lecture Notes
Neutron and Photon Spectroscopy (English)
Lecture given at GDR Meeticc school in february 2018, divided in two parts. The first part deals with generalities about inelastic physics and gives an introduction to several inelastic techniques (Raman, Infrared, Neutron and X-Ray scattering) with an overview of the physical processes involved. The second part is dedicated to magnetism, with a presentation of different kind of magnetic excitations and how to measure them with the different techniques described in the first part.
Résumé / Guide de Lecture
Part I : Introduction to Inelastic Techniques
Part II : Application to Magnetism
Introduction to Inelastic Scattering (English)
Lecture given to Hercules European School in 2019 on basic concepts of inelastic scattering and application to X-rays and Neutrons.