De Frutos
Ajili, W, De Frutos, M, Estève, I, Albéric, M, Menguy, N, Benzerara, K, Checa, A, Auzoux-Bordenave, S, Azaïs, T, and Nassif, N 2023 Chemical and Structural Insights of the Nano Organo–Mineral Interfaces in Growing Abalone Nacre. Chemistry of Materials, acs.chemmater.3c01169. DOI: Download
Chaupard, M, Degrouard, J, Li, X, Stéphan, O, Kociak, M, Gref, R, and De Frutos, M 2023 Nanoscale Multimodal Analysis of Sensitive Nanomaterials by Monochromated STEM-EELS in Low-Dose and Cryogenic Conditions. ACS Nano, 17(4): 3452–3464. DOI:
De Frutos, M, Rodríguez-Navarro, A B, Li, X, and Checa, A G 2023 Nanoscale Analysis of the Structure and Composition of Biogenic Calcite Reveals the Biomineral Growth Pattern. ACS Nano, 17(3): 2829–2839. DOI:
Bussola Tovani, C, Divoux, T, Manneville, S, Azaïs, T, Laurent, G, De Frutos, M, Gloter, A, Ciancaglini, P, Ramos, A P, and Nassif, N 2023 Strontium-driven physiological to pathological transition of bone-like architecture: A dose-dependent investigation. Acta Biomaterialia, S1742706123004336. DOI:
Ajili, W, Tovani, C B, Fouassier, J, De Frutos, M, Laurent, G P, Bertani, P, Djediat, C, Marin, F, Auzoux-Bordenave, S, Azaïs, T, and Nassif, N 2022 Inorganic phosphate in growing calcium carbonate abalone shell suggests a shared mineral ancestral precursor. Nature Communications, 13(1): 1496. DOI:
Ajili, W, Tovani, C B, Fouassier, J, de Frutos, M, Laurent, G P, Bertani, P, Djediat, C, Marin, F, Auzoux-Bordenave, S, Azaïs, T, and Nassif, N 2022 Inorganic phosphate in growing calcium carbonate abalone shell suggests a shared mineral ancestral precursor. Nature Communications, 13(1): 1496. DOI:
Goldmann, C, de Frutos, M, Hill, E H, Constantin, D, and Hamon, C 2021 Symmetry Breaking in Seed-Mediated Silver Nanorod Growth Induced by Dimethyl SulfoxideSymmetry Breaking in Seed-Mediated Silver Nanorod Growth Induced by Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Chemistry of Materials, 338: 2948–2956. DOI:
Chaupard, M, De Frutos, M, and Gref, R 2021 Deciphering the Structure and Chemical Composition of Drug Nanocarriers: From Bulk Approaches to Individual Nanoparticle Characterization. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 38(9): 2100022. DOI:
Gay, C, Letavernier, E, Verpont, M-C, Walls, M, Bazin, D, Daudon, M, Nassif, N, Stéphan, O, and de Frutos, M 2020 Nanoscale Analysis of Randall’s Plaques by Electron Energy Loss Spectromicroscopy: Insight in Early Biomineral Formation in Human Kidney. ACS Nano, 14: 1823–1836. DOI:
Monier, E, Oberlin, T, Brun, N, Tence, M, de Frutos, M, and Dobigeon, N 2018 Reconstruction of Partially Sampled Multiband Images—Application to STEM-EELS Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 4: 585–598. DOI:
Letavernier, E, Kauffenstein, G, Huguet, L, Navasiolava, N, Bouderlique, E, Tang, E, Delaitre, L, Bazin, D, de Frutos, M, Gay, C, Perez, J, Verpont, M-C, Haymann, J-P, Pomozi, V, Zoll, J, Le Saux, O, Daudon, M, Leftheriotis, G, and Martin, L 2018 ABCC6 Deficiency Promotes Development of Randall Plaque. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 292994370: 2337–2347. DOI:
Kociak, M, Blazit, J-D, Bocher, L, Brun, N, Colliex, C, De Frutos, M, Gloter, A, Li, X, Tencé, M, Tizei, L H G, Walls, M, Zobelli, A, and Stéphan, O 2018 New Directions Toward Nanophysics Experiments in STEM. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1): 434–435. DOI:
Jana, S, de Frutos, M, Davidson, P, and Abécassis, B 2017 Ligand-induced twisting of nanoplatelets and their self-assembly into chiral ribbons. Science Advances, 3: e1701483. DOI:
Amjadi, M, Hallaj, T, Asadollahi, H, Song, Z, de Frutos, M, and Hildebrandt, N 2017 Facile synthesis of carbon quantum dot/silver nanocomposite and its application for colorimetric detection of methimazole. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 244: 425–432. DOI:
De Frutos, M, Gloter, A, Bazin, D, Verpont, M-C, Daudon, M, Letavernier, E, and Stephan, O 2016 Characterization of calcifications in human kidney by spectromicroscopy at the nanometer scale. In: European Microscopy Society (ed.), European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. pp. 939–940. DOI:
De Frutos, M, Leforestier, A, Degrouard, J, Durand, D, and Livolant, F 2016 Can DNA Organization in the Full Bacteriophage Capsid be modified by changes in Temperature or Ionic Conditions? In: European Microscopy Society (ed.), European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. pp. 17–18. DOI:
Livolant, F, Leforestier, A, De Frutos, M, and Durand, D 2016 Collapse of Individual DNA Chains Confined in Bacteriophage Capsids. Biophysical Journal, 110(3): 22a. DOI:
Stephan, O, Gloter, A, de Frutos, M, Bazin, D, Verpont, M-C, Daudon, M, and Letavernier, E 2016 Constribution of transmission electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy for characterizing the composition and the initial formation site of incipient Randall’s plaque. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, 46: 116.
De Frutos, M, Leforestier, A, and Livolant, F 2014 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GENOME PACKING IN THE BACTERIOPHAGE CAPSID AND THE KINETICS OF DNA EJECTION. Biophysical Reviews and Letters, 09(01): 81–104. DOI:
Bertin, A, De Frutos, M, and Letellier, L 2011 Bacteriophage–host interactions leading to genome internalization. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 14(4): 492–496. DOI:
Toma, A C, De Frutos, M, Livolant, F, and Raspaud, E 2011 Phase diagrams of DNA and poly(styrene-sulfonate) condensed by a poly-cationic protein, the salmon protamine. Soft Matter, 7(19): 8847. DOI:
Chiaruttini, N, De Frutos, M, Augarde, E, Boulanger, P, Letellier, L, and Viasnoff, V 2010 Is the In Vitro Ejection of Bacteriophage DNA Quasistatic? A Bulk to Single Virus Study. Biophysical Journal, 99(2): 447–455. DOI:
Toma, A C, De Frutos, M, Livolant, F, and Raspaud, E 2009 DNA Condensed by Protamine: A “Short” or “Long” Polycation Behavior. Biomacromolecules, 10(8): 2129–2134. DOI:
Leforestier, A, Brasilès, S, De Frutos, M, Raspaud, E, Letellier, L, Tavares, P, and Livolant, F 2008 Bacteriophage T5 DNA Ejection under Pressure. Journal of Molecular Biology, 384(3): 730–739. DOI:
Dazzi, A, Prazeres, R, Glotin, F, Ortega, J M, Al-Sawaftah, M, and De Frutos, M 2008 Chemical mapping of the distribution of viruses into infected bacteria with a photothermal method. Ultramicroscopy, 108(7): 635–641. DOI:
Raspaud, E, Forth, T, São-José, C, Tavares, P, and De Frutos, M 2007 A Kinetic Analysis of DNA Ejection from Tailed Phages Revealing the Prerequisite Activation Energy. Biophysical Journal, 93(11): 3999–4005. DOI:
São-José, C, De Frutos, M, Raspaud, E, Santos, M A, and Tavares, P 2007 Pressure Built by DNA Packing Inside Virions: Enough to Drive DNA Ejection in Vitro, Largely Insufficient for Delivery into the Bacterial Cytoplasm. Journal of Molecular Biology, 374(2): 346–355. DOI:
De Frutos, M, Letellier, L, and Raspaud, E 2005 DNA Ejection from Bacteriophage T5: Analysis of the Kinetics and Energetics. Biophysical Journal, 88(2): 1364–1370. DOI:
Retailleau, S, Blaize, G, Dazzi, A, Debarre, D, De Frutos, M, Hesto, P, Kébaïli, N, Mory, C, Nutarelli, D, Pascard, H, Sée, J, Stephan, O, and Yam, V 2005 Une approche expérimentale des nanotechnologies en second cycle à l’Université Paris XI. J3eA, 4: 033. DOI:
Br�chignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, Colliex, C, De Frutos, M, K�ba�li, N, Le Roux, J, Masson, A, and Yoon, B 2003 Thermal and chemical nanofractal relaxation. The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 24(1–3): 265–268. DOI:
Letellier, L, Boulanger, P, De Frutos, M, and Jacquot, P 2003 Channeling phage DNA through membranes: from in vivo to in vitro. Research in Microbiology, 154(4): 283–287. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, Colliex, C, De Frutos, M, Kébaïli, N, Le Roux, J, Masson, A, and Yoon, B 2001 Control of island morphology by dynamic coalescence of soft-landed clusters. The European Physical Journal D, 16(1): 265–269. DOI:
De Frutos, M, Raspaud, E, Leforestier, A, and Livolant, F 2001 Aggregation of Nucleosomes by Divalent Cations. Biophysical Journal, 81(2): 1127–1132. DOI:
Yoon, B, Akulin, V M, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, Masson, A, Mory, C, Colliex, C, and Bréchignac, C 1999 Morphology control of the supported islands grown from soft-landed clusters. Surface Science, 443(1–2): 76–88. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, P, De Frutos, M, and Garnier, P 1997 Loss of metallicity in metal rich lithium oxide clusters. Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 42(4): 303–307. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, de Frutos, M, Masson, A, Colliex, C, Mory, C, and Yoon, B 1997 Mobility and aggregation of free clusters soft landed on amorphous and crystalline carbon substrates. Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms,Molecules and Clusters, 40(1): 516–519. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, De Frutos, M, Kebaïli, N, Sarfati, A, and Akulin, V 1996 Experimental Evidence for the Entropy Effect in Coulombic Cluster Fission. Physical Review Letters, 77(2): 251–254. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, De Frutos, M, Garnier, P, and Kebaïli, N 1996 Experimental determination of the energy barrier for the Li 26 2 + cluster. Physical Review B, 53(3): 1091–1094. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, De Frutos, M, Garnier, P, and Kebaili, N 1995 Dissociation energies of tellurium cluster ions from thermoevaporation experiments. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 103(15): 6631–6636. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, Leygnier, J, and Roux, J Ph 1995 Coulombic fission and evaporation of antimony cluster ions. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 102(2): 763–769. DOI:
Brechignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, Barnett, R N, and Landman, U 1994 Dynamics and energy release in fission of small doubly charged clusters. Physical Review Letters, 72(11): 1636–1639. DOI:
Brechignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, Barnett, R N, and Landman, U 1994 Dynamics and energy release in fission of small doubly charged clusters. Physical Review Letters, 72(11): 1636–1639. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, and De Frutos, M 1994 Shell effects in fission of small doubly charged lithium clusters. Physical Review B, 49(4): 2825–2831. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, and De Frutos, M 1994 Stability of charged metal clusters. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 88(1–2): 91–96. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, and Roux, J Ph 1993 Temperature effects in the electronic shells and supershells of lithium clusters. Physical Review B, 47(4): 2271–2277. DOI:
Bréchignac, C, Cahuzac, Ph, Carlier, F, De Frutos, M, Leygnier, J, and Roux, J Ph 1993 Thermodynamical properties of ionized lithium oxide clusters, Li 2 n + p O + n . The Journal of Chemical Physics, 99(9): 6848–6855. DOI: