The SoMaC&CoMic platform is a tool with several missions:
- to bring together commercial or original (home-made) experimental characterisation techniques relating to soft matter,
- to provide Internet and external access to teams and laboratories for their experimental research activities and to develop collaborations,
- to support the monitoring of technologies and knowledge (updating)
- ensure the monitoring of the operation of the devices,
- train users in good practices for autonomous use,
- ensure measurements in the context of services,
- guiding and assisting users in their scientific work
SoMaC & CoMic offers services and equipments dedicated to the characterization of soft matter and complex physical-biological interfaces. The devices and techniques of the platform are varied:
- rheology (Anton Paar),
- surface and interfacial tension measurements (Tracker, Kibron),
- surface characterization: ellispometry (EP3),
- profilometry (Taylor-Hobson),
- size measurement: zetametry (Beckman Coultar),
- physico-chemical analyses: UV- Vis, IR,
- confocal microscopy (@CoMic)

Soft Matter Characterization

The SoMaC platform proposes commercial or home-made devices that can be used independently after training or via the expertise of the engineers.
Foams and emulsions
Liquid interfaces

- Surface tension, dilatational and interfactial rheology : Tracker Teclis
- Surface tension and interfacial rheology, Langmuir technic: Microtrough G2 Kibron
- Surface tension and interfacial tension, Wilhemy technic : Ez-Pi+ Kibron

- Drop shape, contact angle measurement : DSA25S Krüss
Surface characterization

- Auto nulling ellipsometry : Nanofilm_ep3 Accurion
- Optical profilometry : Ametek Taylor Hobson


- Photon correlation spectroscopy: Delsa Nano Beckman Coulter
- UV-Vis Spectrometer : Caru-4000 Agilent

- FTIR Spectrometer: IS50 Nicolet Thermofisher
Confocal Microscopy
Since 2013, the LPS has been equipped with a Leica SP8 confocal laser scanning microscope funded by the Labex PALM (ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM; purchase price: 370,000 euros). The funding request involved projects from several research teams and laboratories (LPS, FAST, LPMC) centred on a common scientific theme: the spatial and temporal monitoring of dispersed systems.
The specificity of the platform CoMic is to be able to reserve the microscope for long periods in order to install complex sample holders and/or to follow the slow evolution of systems continuously, and to do multi-angle observation.

° 1PMT detector
° 2HyD detectors
° Conventional and resonant scanner (12 kHz)
Excitation lights
- 405 nm – 448 nm – 488 nm – 552 nm – 663 nm
- HC PL Fluotar 10x/0.3dry
- HC PL APO 20x/0.7 dry
- HC PL AP 25x/0.95 water
- HC PL AP 40x/1.3 oil
- HC PL AP 63x/1.3 oil
Laser flipping system
The confocal microscope is suitable to shift the laser exit. A device developed in the lab allows imaging beside the conventional visualization place.
It converts the inverted microscope into an upright microscope, the objective head may rotate at 360°.
° Piezo focus for onbjective, Mipos 500f PiezoSystem : it allows nanopositionning and a scanning range up to 400 µm.
° Positions controlled device.
Microscope stage incubator
Uno-plus CO2 Okolab is designed to maintain the desired environment for living cell cultures on the inverted Mstage : hymidity, Temperature, CO2.
The H501-EC Microscope Stage Incubator uses interchangeable plate adapters to accept a single 35 mm Petri dish, a glass slide, or chambered 57 mm cover glass.
Specimen temperature is regulated by the combined action of dual controllers embedded in the base and the lid of the incubating chamber. Operation is simple : Just select the desired plate adapter and the desired sample temperature.
An improperly humidified gas stream will quickly evaporate the media surrounding the sample. The HC501-EC controller automatically adjusts the temperature in the humidifier to correct for evaporative losses.
The built-in, manual CO2 controller continuously mixes air and CO2, this stream is fed into the incubating chamber to control the pH of the media.

- sandrine.mariot@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- comic.lps@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- https://www.pluginlabs-universiteparissaclay.fr/fr/results/keywords/text/comic
- https://www.pluginlabs-universiteparissaclay.fr/fr/results/keywords/text/somac
- +33 (0) 1 69 15 69 61
- bat 510, campus Univ. d’Orsay, Orsay, 91400
Grille tarifs