Catherine Even and Fatma Briki give different courses of physics to licence and master students of Paris-Saclay University.
Catherine Even
In my teaching, I try to emphasize on experiments, applications and connections to everyday life.
I feel also very concerned about the climate change, and thus introduced progressively climate and energy issues in my courses : I now teach a course entirely devoted to the climate.
Teaching for 2022-2023 :
— Thermodynamics (L2): lecture + tutorial
— Thermodynamics (L1): tutorial
— Fluid mechanics (L3): lecture + tutorial + practical
— Climate, as a societal issue (M1): lecture + tutorial
—Electromagnetism (L1): tutorial
In the past (among others) :
— Experimental projects : see the manuscript here describing the projects, and two articles on some of the experiments :
* R. Henaff, G. Le Doudic, B. Pilette, C. Even, J-M Fischbach, F. Bouquet, J. Bobroff, M. Monteverde and C. Marrache-Kikuchi, A study of kinetic friction : the Timoshenko oscillator, Am. J. Phys. 86(3), 174 (2018).
* A. Hilberer, G. Laurent, A. Lorin, A. Partier, J. Bobroff, F. Bouquet, C. Even, J-M Fischbach, C. A. Marrache-Kikuchi, M. Monteverde, B. Pilette, and C. Quay, Temperature-dependent transport mesaurements with Arduino, accepted at Papers in Physics. See the manuscript here.
— creation of an innovative optics course ; highlight 2016 of European Journal of Physics ( C. Even, C. Balland, V. Guillet,Learning through experimenting : an original way of teaching geometrical optics, Eur. J. Phys., 37 (2016) 065707) : see
— creation of a new experiment for the students : see C. Even, F. Bouquet , J. Rémond and B. Deloche, Measuring viscosity with a levitating magnet :application to complex fluids, Eur. J. Phys. 30, 13 (2009)

Academic book :
— Collective book: J.M. Lourtioz, J. Lecomte, S. Szopa, C. Even et G. Roux, Enjeux de la transition écologique (2021)
— Textbook for students (L1, L2, L3) : N. Vernier, C. Even-Beaudoin, Thermodynamique, Dunod (2020)
— Textbook for students (L1, L2) : A. Douillet, C. Even-Beaudoin, N. Lebrun, N. Lidgi-Guigui, N. Vernier, Physique, Dunod (2017)