Cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) let us visualize biological and soft matter objects at (sub) nanometer scale while preserving their hydrated state and native ionic environment, vitrified at low temperature. We access their conformations and interactions and are able to explore conformational changes, in the aim to relate these to their functional activities.
We use both thin film cryo-EM, to image macromolecular complexes and nano-objects (viruses, nanoparticles, liposomes,…) in solution, and CEMOVIS (Cryo-Electron Microscopy Of VItreous Sections) to image biological tissue and cells, or bulk liquid crystals and polymers.

- Cryo electron microscope JEOL 2010F: 200kV with field emission gun and CRYO pole piece, equipped with Hole Free Phase Plates and Direct Electron Detector (K2 summit, Gatan)
- Cryo-holders (Gatan 626) and cryo-transfer stations
- Thin film vitrification robots: Vitrobot Mark IV (Thermofisher) & homemade robot optimized for visquous specimens
- Liquid helium slam-freezing device for bulk specimen vitrification (Cryovacublock, Reichert)
- Cryo-ultramicrotome (Leica UC6/FC6) in controlled environment (T, RH), equipped with a micro-manipulator and fluorescence microscope
- Sputter/coater (Leica ACE)
- Plasma cleaner (Cressington)

The LPS cryo-EM platform is a plug-in-lab Paris-Saclay (CRYOTEM@LPS) and is part of the national facility METSA.
Amélie Leforestier :
Jéril Degrouard : jeril.degrouard@