We are delighted to welcome Master’s level students to learn about superconducting quantum bits as part of a completely new lab work, developed in collaboration with Marcelo Goffmann (CEA Saclay – SPEC – Quantronics) and Meydi Ferrier (LPS – Meso) for Université Paris Saclay and partially funded by Quantum Saclay.

In this work students dive into the quantum hardware necessary to realize the coherent manipulation and readout of an artificial spin: the transmon qubit. Experimental tools used in this class include a dilution fridge (20 mK), microwave equipment (amplifiers, attenuators, circulators…), vectorial network analyzer, microwave sources and finally a Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ZCU216 for fast readout and pulses. The sample consists of a microwave readout cavity dispersively coupled to a transmon qubit in a planar geometry. The students learn how to realize the spectroscopy of the qubit and manipulate it. standard measurements include Rabi oscillations measurements, Ramsey fringes and the determination of relaxation and decoherence times.