Internship (and/or PhD) Possibilities for Masters Students (2023-2024)
Propositions de Stage M2 en Vue de Thèse (2023-2024)

Masters 2/PhD Vacancy on « Quantum microwave detection using a super-inductance circuit »

Contact Julien BASSET ( and/or Jérôme ESTEVE (

PhD Vacancy on « In search of equal-spin triplet superconductivity: doping MoS2 into the superconducting state » (vacancy filled)

(left) Optical image of a typical tunnel junction TMD device made in the NS2 group, made by Sara Loucif (PhD student) and Charis Quay. The crosses are about 8µm across. (right) Tunnel spectrum obtained at the rightmost junction.

For more details, see the official EDPIF posting here (proposition n°104). To meet the EDPIF and QUANTUM fellowship application deadline of 27/4/24 (candidates prepare their applications together with the group they intend to work with), potential candidates should contact us by early April.

Contact Charis QUAY ( and/or Marco APRILI (

Old internship/PhDs proposals:

Quantum dynamics of a single spin on a superconductor More details.

Kinetic Inductance Detector for surface plasmon polaritons More details.

Dynamics and correlations of magnetic impurities on a superconductor. More details.

Towards a direct probe of triplet superconductivity via spin resonance (Funded PhD position). More details.

Atomic scale current noise: the search for Majorana Fermions (Funded PhD position). More details.

Other internships/jobs at the LPS.
Other internships in ‘fundamental physics’.
Other PhD openings in physics in the Paris metropolitan area..