Selection of nice images coming out of our studies.
- Thick droplets sliding down a foam film - Picture taken by Lilian Esnault
- Thick droplets sliding down a foam film at different lifetimes - Picture taken by Lilian Esnault
- Dry liquid foam imaged by fluorescence microscopy. A. Commereuc & F. Boulogne.
- Bamboo forest made from the foam rise in capillary tubes. F. Boulogne & A. Commereuc
- Two frozen drops. F. Boulogne & A. Salonen
- Two interleaved books C. Poulard
- A foam sitting on a liquid pool contains more liquid at the bottom than at the top.
- Patches formed by adsorption of polystyrene particles on the surface of a hydrogel. CC BY F. Boulogne.
- An emulsion of PEG in PDMS viewed in tomography X A. Giustiniani
- Rough surface in a foam
- Solution of fluorescent, photobleachable polymers M. Hénot
- Experiment of fluorescence recovery after phobleaching M. Hénot
- Dried drop of silica nanoparticles on a elastomeric floating sheet. The sheet is buckled due to the retraction of the drop. CC BY F. Boulogne
- Colored water drop sitting on a hydrogel. CC BY F. Boulogne
- Interference colors of draining soap films in a foam. Wiebke Drenckhan
- Interference colors of draining soap films in a foam Wiebke Drenckhan
- A 2D foam
- A 2D foam after coarsening.