Dry dilution refrigerator – Bluefors

This fridge has a base temperature below 10mK and is equipped with a vector magnet (9T/1T/1T). The wiring allows DC and RF measurements.
Dry dilution refrigerator – Cryoconcept
This fridge has a base temperature of 10mK and is equipped with a 8T magnet. The wiring allows DC and RF measurements.
Several wet dilution fridges
We have 4 wet dilution fridges that can be used with different magnets (1T, 12T, 8T/0.7T vector magnet). Our experimental rooms are equipped for helium recovery.
Nanofabrication facility of the LPS
We have accessed to the nanofabrication facility of the LPS with resist spin coating, optical lithography, AFM measurement, …
Scanning electron microscope – Zeiss Supra55VP

This SEM FEG is equipped with an e-beam lithography system (NPGS by Nabity) and EDS.
Helium focused ion beam – Zeiss Orion Nanofab

This focus ion beam used helium or neon. It can be used for high resolution observation, milling and also ion assisted deposition of different materials (tungsten or platinum).
Metal deposition system – Plassys

This metal deposition system has three chambers, devoted to different type of deposition. The first one is based on e-beam evaporation for metals like Al, Ti, Au, Pd, Nb, … The second chamber uses RF sputtering. The last chamber is a DC sputtering system for Nb, MoRe, …
DC sputtering system – Korvus

This DC sputtering system is specifically used to deposit Bi.