Contacts: Luc ORTEGA, Vincent JACQUES, David LE BOLLOC’H
LUTECE team has several x-ray diffraction setups to perform experiments with monochromatic or white beams.
Monochromatic beam
4 circle diffractometer coupled to Copper rotating anode (8keV)
4-circle eulerian diffractometer, compatible with several sample environments: a cryostat to cool samples down to 4K (compatible with liquid nitrogen and helium), with kapton windows or beryllium dome and a cryogenic biaxial strain device.
Detectors available: APD point detector and 2D Timepix detector (512×512 pixels, 55µm pixel size).

4-circle diffractometer in S2D2 geometry coupled to a Molybdenum tube (17.4 keV)
The S2D2 geometry means that the sample has two rotations (Sample2) as well as the detector (Detector2). This configuration makes it possible in particular to set constraints on the angular position of the sample. The diffractometer is used for high resolution measurements (lMoKa1= 0.701 Å) on single crystal samples and surface acoustic wave piezoelectric devices. The conditioning of the beam is obtained by single or triple reflection germanium crystals.

White beam diffraction
Laue setup on Molybdenum source
Laue technique is used to determine the orientation of a single crystal using the diffraction of a collimated white x-ray beam. We have a setup working in reflection and in transmission geometry. Detection: CCD camera in backscattered mode, 20 x 25 cm FUJI image plate and Molecular Dynamics Storm scanner in transmission mode.