Organization Comitee : Sébastien Pillet (CRM2, Université de Lorraine); Olivier Plantevin (LPS, Université Paris Saclay), Jacky Even (INSA, Rennes)
The workshop targeted different structural, dynamic and spectroscopic issues of fundamental interest in the family of 3D as well as 2D hybrid perovskite materials. Different important achievements obtained by a broad community have allowed to gain a better understanding f the specificities in these materials on different structural or dynamical aspects. These studies are crucial for a better understanding of the special optoelectronic properties that make these materials so special for a number of optoelectronic applications such as LED, quantum optical sources, photovoltaics, photodetectors, photocatalysis. Different issues
remain up to now elusive as the origin of the long charge carrier lifetime, the defect tolerance or self-repair, the role of organic cation dynamical motion, the driving force for ion migration and strategies to mitigate the degradation of the material, as well as the possibility for emerging ferroelectric and spintronic properties etc which all can gain from a deeper understanding of structural and dynamic issues. The aim of the workshop will be to gather specialists and users of different large scale facilities (synchrotrons, neutrons, electrons, high magnetic fields,..) allowing to probe the materials structure and dynamics, as well as provide in-situ characterization of operating devices or material growth with ultimate spatial, temporal or spectral range.