Local, national and international academic collaborations
Plateau de Saclay
- A joint PhD student between Synchrotron SOLEIL and the LPS
PhD student : Antoine LONCLE
Supervisors: K. Medjoubi (synchrotron SOLEIL), V. Jacques (LPS) - A scientific association between LPS and NANOSCOPIUM beamline of synchrotron SOLEIL
LPS: V. Jacques and D. Le Bolloc’h
Synchrotron SOLEIL: K. Medjoubi and A. Somogyi
Development of a wide-angle coherent x-ray nanodiffraction station at the NANOSCOPIUM beamline of synchrotron SOLEIL - Collaboration for the study of hybrid perovskites on the Plateau de Saclay
LPS: O. Plantevin, V. Jacques, A. Tejeda-Galla
ENS Paris-Saclay: E. Deleporte, G. Allard
LPICM (Polytechnique): B. Geffroy, D. Tondelier, Y. Bonnassieux
In France
- Institut Néel (Grenoble)
- Institut P’ (Poitiers)
- A joint Phd student between Universidad Complutense de Madrid and LPS
PhD student: Jairo Obando-Guevara - A joint Phd student between the European-XFEL (Hamburg, Germany) and the LUTECE team of LPS
PhD student : Darine GHONEIM
Supervisors: David LE BOLLOC’H, Vincent JACQUES (LPS), Anders MADSEN (European XFEL)
Dynamics of Charge Density Wave systems probed by the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL)
Charge Density Wave (CDW) systems under external DC currents display a singular behavior. The Ohm’s law is
not fulfilled anymore when the applied current exceeds a threshold current because of an extra current appearing in the crystal. This phenomenon is called “sliding” CDW and is far to be understood. The additional current
could be made of moving CDW solitons travelling across the sample (solitonic lattice).
These topological objects, corresponding to phase shifts of the CDW modulation, make a regular lattice with a very large period up to micrometers. Each soliton carries a charge and creates a regular pulse current by sliding across the sample. The aim of this collaboration with the European Xfel is to catch this collective motion of charges by diffraction in real time thanks to the ultra-short xray pulse duration (<50 fs) provided by the E-XFEL beam at MID beamline (Materials Imaging and Dynamics).

- An international ANR-RSF project between 3 French laboratories and the KIRE of the Russian Academy of Science
In France : LPS (Orsay); Institut Néel (Grenoble); Institut P’ (Poitiers)
In Russia: KIRE (Moscow)
BISCEPS-QM (Biaxial Strain Control of Electronic Properties of Quantum Materials)
The electronic properties of materials are intimately linked to their chemical composition and crystallographic structure. Understanding the close link between them is thus of prime importance, especially in systems displaying interesting phases both at the fundamental and applied levels. Quantum materials belong to such promising systems that display a variety of interesting phases and in which, in the last years, the application of uniaxial mechanical strain allowed to start modifying them. However, the best would be a biaxial control of the crystallographic structures at various temperatures to explore vast unexplored regions of phase diagrams. This ANR-RSF project aims at taking this challenge, and explore the temperature/biaxial strain phase diagram of quasi-2D quantum materials that display charge orders and superconductivity, to observe and control these phase transitions at will and eventually discover new phases.