Paris-Saclay University
I am a doctoral (eq. PhD) student in the theory group of LPS Orsay supervised by Mark-Oliver Goerbig. My doctoral work concerns quantum/band geometry, and specifically its relation with effects beyond the free fermion regime. In a first project, recently published in PRB, we study the influence of the Berry curvature carried by a normal state on a possible superconducting phase in the context of a massive Dirac fermions model.
Research Interests
- Band geometry (Berry curvature/Quantum metric)
- Superconductivity
- Topological phases of matter
- Correlated Phases of matter, especially topological
- Quantum matter
- Doctoral Thesis: Quantum Geometry, superconductivity and electronic correlation effects (2021-)
- iCFP Masters 2, Condensed Matter track (2020-2021)
- M1 abroad in Nagoya University, Japan (September 2019- August 2020)
- Magistère de Physique Fondamentale Paris-Sud/Saclay (2018-2021)
- CPGE Lycée Montesquieu, Le Mans (2016-2018)
Teaching: Calculus for L1 (1st year undergrad) PCST students
Fall Semester 2021-2022
Fall Semester 2022-2023
Administrative Responsabilities
Elected representative for the PSaclay doctoral students at the doctoral school EDPIF
Appointed representative for LPS non-permanent researchers at the FFJ federation of laboratories
Interplay of Band geometry and superconductivity
・Role of the Berry curvature on BCS-type superconductivity in two-dimensional materials: PhysRevB.106.214512
e-mail address: florian.simon1@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- jeandurand@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- +33 (0) 1 69 15 53 00
- bat 510, campus Univ. d’Orsay, Orsay, 91400
Full time researcher
Jan 2012 – Present Orsay, France I joined the group Soft matter at interfaces in Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay. At this occasion, I launched new activities related to the role of physical solid surface properties on foam flows. I am also developing new topics related to phase transitions in soft matter.
Marie Curie fellow
Paris-Diderot University
Jun 2010 – Jan 2011 Paris, France During my short stay in Laurent Limat’s group, I finalized collaborative works on the particle transport in drops by diffusiophoresis.
Marie Curie fellow
Princeton University
Aug 2006 – May 2009 Princeton, NJ I spent nearly 3 years in Howard Stone’s group In Princeton. My primarily work was on the drying of colloidal suspensions with a particular focus on the drying stress measurement and the role of solvent absorption by the substrate. I also made experimental studies on the wetting of fibers and the damping of a sloshing motion by foams.
Fall semester 2021-2022
Fall semester 2022-2023